

  • Nursing school switch

    12 June 2017

    From next year Timaru's new nursing students will be switching nursing schools. 

  • Nursing student's anti-bullying work royally rewarded

    31 May 2017

    An Otago Polytechnic nursing student is off to London to meet the Queen in honour of the teenager's work founding a youth-led anti-bullying group.

  • Strong to steady demand for nursing degree places

    25 April 2017

    Ongoing media reports of nursing graduates struggling to find work is not deterring applicants, with an informal nursing school survey finding generally buoyant to steady demand for 2017 intakes. Seventeen of the 18 nursing schools offering pre-registration nursing degrees responded to Nursing Review's survey on 2017 enrolment trends.

  • Rural workforce training options to be debated

    27 March 2017

    Two health education proposals to help meet a chronic shortage of rural health professionals are on the agenda of this week's National Rural Health Conference.

  • Kiwi nursing schools make top 100 again

    10 March 2017

    Two Kiwi nursing schools are still ranked in the top 100 nursing schools in a global university survey but are outpaced by Australian schools which now have two schools in the top ten.

  • Nursing student hitting the road

    23 September 2016

    Nursing student Kazushi Noiri is hitting the road next month to walk from Bluff to Cape Reinga to raise funds for arthritis and he wouldn't mind some company.

  • How many international nursing students do we train?

    22 September 2016

    International student fees bring in $1 billion a year. Do our 19 nursing schools limit how many international fee-paying student nurses they enrol? Nursing Review reports its survey findings. 

  • Daughter follows mother's nursing leadership footsteps

    1 July 2016

    The new head of EIT's nursing school Jennifer Roberts is following in the footsteps of her recently retired mother Dr Susan Jacobs, who was the longstanding health faculty dean.

  • Passing of nursing education pioneer

    19 May 2016

    Dr Judith Christensen, one of the pioneers of New Zealand nursing education, died this week aged 73. She was New Zealand's first nurse to gain a PhD in nursing and back in 1973 was the founder of one of the country's first nursing schools based outside of a hospital.

  • Kiwi nursing schools make top world rankings

    23 March 2016

    Nursing schools worldwide have been ranked for the first time in a global university survey with two New Zealand university schools making the top 100.

  • Tributes for nursing treasure Putiputi O'Brien

    28 August 2015

    Nursing taonga Putiputi O'Brien RN QSO passed away this month aged 93.  NGAIRA HARKER of the College of Nurses Aotearoa, HEMAIMA HUGHES of Te Kaunihera o Nga Neehi Māori o Aotearoa (the National Council of Māori Nurses) and KERRI NUKU of Te Rūnanga o Aotearoa NZNO pay tribute to this special nurse. 

  • Career advice downgrades nursing's job prospects

    3 February 2015

    Nursing has dropped a notch from being a 'good' job prospect to a 'fair' one in the latest Occupation Outlook report released by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

  • OPINION: Nursing can take you anywhere

    2 February 2015

    *Just back from a trip to the UK and more than a little disheartened at the current state of Britain’s NHS, former chief nurse DR MARK JONES is reassured to find New Zealand’s younger generations are still inspired by traditional nursing values, and by the future opportunities and long-term rewards that nursing offers.*

  • Demand for nursing school places plateaued

    1 March 2013

    The growing demand for nursing school places in recent years has largely plateaued in the cities and fallen in some provincial areas, according to an informal survey of nursing schools.

April 2017 VOL. 15 (2)

  • Student nurses: leaders in the making

    CATHLEEN ASPINALL argues that fresh eyes and critical thinking means nursing students can be leaders from their undergraduate days onwards and outlines how she and her students helped spur Nursing Review's new student-focused section.

  • Reflection: on the cultural protocols of a death

    RENAE PORTER, a third year nursing student at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, reflects on the clinical, cultural and personal experience following the release of a tūpāpaku (deceased person’s body).

  • Reflection: on being both a learner and a critical observer

    TRISTIN SLATER, a third year student nurse at the University of Auckland, reflects on trying to administer a tetanus injection to an attack victim.

  • Reflection: missing the moment

    Looking back on a missed moment when caring for a stabbing victim has third year student nurse TRISTIN SLATER reflecting on patient advocacy, autonomy and how learning between nursing students and registered nurses doesn't have to only be one way.*

October 2016 Vol. 16 (5)

  • Cultural safety: becoming a reflexive practitioner

    Stereotypes, often perpetuated by media headlines and unconscious prejudices, can all affect how nurses relate to patients. In KATRINA FYERS and SALLIE GREENWOOD’s third and final article they look at how nurses can think in reflexive ways to be more culturally safe practitioners.

August 2016 Vol. 16 (4)

  • A day in the life of a third-year student nurse

    Share a day in the life of a nursing student Yosh (Yosua) Hadipurnomo on clinical placement on the West Coast learning about resuscitation to immunisation and Pink Floyd to the perils of catering for one. “Two-minute noodles again, Yosh?”

  • Career path: senior nursing lecturer

    The chance to teach nursing students to become culturally competent healthcare professionals inspired DONNA FOXALL to swap working in primary healthcare for a career in nurse education.

  • Starched cuffs to university caps: one nursing leader's journey

    After nearly 50 years in nursing and 35 years in nursing education JUDY KILPATRICK is set to retire at the end of the year. The self-declared “happy chappie” talks to FIONA CASSIE about a lucky career spanning starched cuffs, life-threatening illness and major milestones for the nursing profession.

  • Nursing education: freeing up nursing to make a difference

    Nursing Review looks back with recently retired SUSAN JACOBS on three decades of nurse education change.

  • Cultural safety and relational practice: ways of being with ourselves and others

    How nurses relate to patients is integral to nursing. In their first article, KATRINA FYERS and SALLIE GREENWOOD looked at developing reflective skills to support self-knowledge and culturally safe practice. They now consider how self-knowledge enhances the concept of relational practice and draw examples from their research. 

June 2016 Vol. 16 (3)

  • Q & A with Professor Annette Huntington

    Professor Annette Huntington has chaired the Nursing Council and is currently deputy chair of the Australasian university nursing schools' body and head of Massey University's School of Nursing. Find out more about the former Plunket nurse's career and her favourite tipple when eating fish and chips with family and friends.

April 2016 Vol 16 (2)

February 2016 Vol 16 (1)

  • Fun in the ward: Stories of the good old, bad old days

    Nurse researcher JOCE STEWART believes some fun and camaraderie in the ward can only be healthy for both nurses and patients. Nursing Review shares tales of laughter, mischief and collegiality amongst nurses in the 1970s and 1980s from Stewart’s thesis oral history research.

  • Pacific nursing students: walking the talk

    Loma-Linda Tasi got tired of teaching nursing students about Pacific people’s negative health statistics. The nursing lecturer, co-ordinator for year two of Whitireia Community Polytechnic’s Bachelor of Nursing (Pacific), decided she had to start somewhere to make a difference and a good place to begin was with herself and her students.

  • Nurse education: Adapting to education Kiwi-style

    Challenges faced by India-trained nurse educator Reen Skaria prompted her to ask fellow overseas-trained nurse educators about their experiences of teaching in New Zealand. She shared her research findings, and some of her respondents' frank reflections, at last year’s Australasian Nurse Educators Conference (ANEC). Nursing Review reports.

  • Empathy: Does nursing have a monopoly?

    Are nursing students more empathetic than their medical colleagues? Former nurse and medical education advisor Dr Peter Gallagher* and colleagues set out to test this hypothesis. Nursing Review reports that the findings may surprise.

December 2015 Vol 15 (6)

October 2015 Vol 15 (5)

August 2015 Vol 15 (4)

June 2015 Vol 15 (3)

  • Q&A with Stephen Neville

    Find out about Stephen Neville's journey from psychopaedic nurse to head of one of the country's largest nursing schools. And what alternative career he briefly considered before committing to nursing...

December 2014 Vol 14 (6)

  • Simulation the answer to relieve pressured nurses?

    Can you halve the time student nurses spend on the ward or with a nurse in the community and still train a clinically competent nurse? A major US study has proven you can by replacing half the traditional clinical placement hours with quality simulation scenarios. 

August 2014 Vol 14 (4)

  • Nurses too nice or too wary to fail nursing students?

    Some nursing students shouldn’t ever become nurses. But failing them is easier said then done – a process not helped by the looming possibility of facing not only unhappy students but also their parents and lawyers. FIONA CASSIE talks to Sally Dobbs about her doctoral research into nurses failing nurses-to-be.

January 2014 Vol 13 (8)

  • Rationed time leads to rationed care?

    Missed care, rushed care, and tick box care plans … Researcher BERT TEEKMAN set out to find out was happening to bedside nursing and decided your average ‘med/surg’ nurse was definitely more sinned against than sinning under today’s managerial-focused health system. FIONA CASSIE finds out more.

November 2013 Vol 13 (7)

  • Q&A with Dr Kathy Holloway

    Find out what three wishes Kathy Holloway would ask the fairy godmother of nursing to grant and why she would like more hours in the day.

  • Preceptorship: a ‘three-way’ relationship

    Is preceptorship working well for nurses, students and tutors? DAVID MITCHELL’s* reports on his research team’s work looking at preceptorshop of nursing students from the view of all three parties involved.

September 2013 Vol 13 (6)

July 2013 Vol 13 (5)

April 2013 Vol 13 (4)

February 2013

  • Counting nurses in his sleep

    Des Gorman, chair of Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ), says that he’s losing sleep worrying about the looming nursing shortfall. FIONA CASSIE talks to him about his disappointment at last year’s nursing criticism of HWNZ’s performance and why nursing will be a top priority in 2013.

November 2012

  • International lessons on nurse education

    KATHY HOLLOWAY and BRONWYN HEDGECOCK report back on some of the themes and findings presented at the Fourth International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP 2012) held recently in Baltimore, USA.

  • Using iPads on nursing student clinical placements

    BEV MacKAY and JANE ANDERSON report on an action research project exploring using iPads to enhance teaching support for NorthTec nursing students on clinical placements.

September 2012

July 2012

May 2012

  • Taima Campbell: Time for a change

    FIONA CASSIE talks to former Auckland District Health executive director of nursing Taima Campbell about her decade at the helm, Māori workforce development and her plans for the future.

March 2012

October 2011

  • Keeping it real simulation in education

    Mannequins can now convulse, blink, pee, sweat and respond to intravenous drugs. FIONA CASSIE finds out more about simulation – both low-tech and high-fidelity.

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

  • Nursing remains popular option

    Increased interest in nursing appears to have continued this year with nursing schools reporting bulging programmes and waiting lists.

February 2010

  • Nurse assistant courses still popular

    Nursing schools report steady and even strong interest in training programmes for nurse assistants as they and their students await details of the enrolled nurse programme that will replace the NA role.

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