Kiwi teenagers still exposed to second-hand smoke

Up to one in five Kiwi teenagers are exposed to second-hand smoke in cars and the trend is upwards not down, reports University of Otago researchers.

Up to one in five Kiwi teenagers are exposed to second-hand smoke in cars and the trend is upwards not down, reports University of Otago researchers. The research analysed ASH surveys of Year 10 students (14-15 year-olds) between 2006 and 2015 and found one in five reported in the past week being in a car or van with someone smoking.  They found the trend increased in the 2015 survey and that close to a third of Māori students and over a quarter of Pacific students reported being in a car with someone smoking in the past week. The research, led by Professor Richard Edwards from the University of Otago, Wellington and co-director of the ASPIRE2025 research collaboration was published this week in the New Zealand Medical Journal.


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