Nursing Career Tip No. 4

1 July 2010
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Team work – so what?

Have you ever considered how you work in your current team might influence your future career choices and opportunities? It is worth thinking about as it really does matter! During interviews, referee checks or even informal discussions, employers are looking for evidence that prospective employees can make a positive difference in a team, as this directly effects how the organisation achieves its goals.

Take a few minutes to consider your role in the various teams or groups you belong to. Are you the peace maker, devil’s advocate, blocker, encourager, moaner, critic, energiser, mediator, information seeker, avoider, tension reliever, coordinator, witdrawer, dominator? You might also like to check in with some of your colleagues as to how they see you.

If your feedback indicates that you generally take on positive roles, that’s great news! However if you find your tendency is to take on less positive roles, it may be time to set yourself some new goals and work towardstaking on new roles.

Debbie Penlington, RN; Grad Dip Career Development; BA (Nursing); MEd; M Couns; [email protected]