Ed's Letter

1 January 2014
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The end of the year has swung around very fast.

Our last edition for 2013 looks at how nursing is keeping pace with the push towards sharing electronic health information while still retaining patient privacy.

We also look at one of the three DHBs that have been trialling ePrescribing so nurses can someday farewell unreadable drug charts and share an invitation for nurses to trade in their old paper portfolios for an electronic one as “easy as Facebook”.

It has been another busy year on the wards for many New Zealand nurses, and we have several opinion pieces sharing thoughts on care rationing, whistleblowing, and learning from mistakes. We also have a researcher’s findings on why he thinks nursing doesn’t get any easier.

We also profile two “On the ward” nurses whose careers began back in the early 90s when nursing jobs were even scarcer than today. As we went to press, we were still waiting to hear how many of the 1330 applicants were successful in gaining much ‘sought’ after new graduate positions and how many were not … I wish them all the best in their job hunting efforts and hope ongoing employer efforts will see as many as possible of this next generation of nurses nursing very soon …

On behalf of the Nursing Review team, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe and sunny New Year.

Fiona Cassie
