Comments RSS Feed CommentingController/rss/SiteTree/1454 Comment by Bob Gill on Coping with shiftwork: is there a perfect roster? <p>A great article. Thank you. I was online looking for information on how companies are arranging their 24-hour rosters to suit their workers. <br><br> Being the husband of a rest home carer and who is concerned about his wife having to cope with shift changes in the middle of a week, I was hoping to learn how others cope with a similar situation.<br><br> Having past experience myself with working a 24-hour roster system, and one that worked fairly efficiently, I am thinking that to change someone's shift in the middle of a week on a regular basis surely means that whoever worked out the roster is inexperienced. If you have enough workers on board, why should you need to change someone's shift in the middle of the week? <br><br> I have heard it said that it's done because of absenteeism. With absenteeism being a fairly known quantity in most companies and with allowance for that being build into a roster system, I fail to see how someone's shift needs to be changed in the middle of a week. I would appreciate any comments proving the absenteeism problem in particular.<br><br><br><br></p> Sun, 22 Nov 2015 19:05:16 +1300 Bob Gill Comment by janice blake on Coping with shiftwork: is there a perfect roster? <p>Hi, was interested in the article regarding night shifts and the risks associated with doing such shifts. I had a very unpleasant experience last month when I fell asleep at the wheel driving home following a night shift. I wonder if the employer would consider providing an area for staff to chill out and take a short sleep before hitting the highway. I was not badly hurt but did 9k worth of damage to my new car!! Fortunately no one else was injured, but it could have been a lot worse. The interesting thing was so many of my colleagues have almost done the same thing!! This is a serious hazard for night shift nurses and doctors. I am going to request that we have a facility where we can nap before driving home if we feel unsafe to drive. The NZNO state we are professionals and should know if we are safe to drive or not, so there is no legal requirement for the hospitals or other facilities to provide such a facility. End of story.</p> Sat, 01 Aug 2015 17:42:38 +1200 janice blake